Wild story of Eagles owner who gambled it all away in Atlantic City


Many younger Philadelphia Eagles fans are aware of the name Leonard Tose simply because he once owned the NFL team here in our city. But if you're anything like me, who only really know the Eagles with Jeffrey Lurie as the owner, you probably aren't all that aware of the story that comes along with Tose's legacy.

A new ESPN 30-for-30 short produced by lifelong Eagles fan Mike Tollin aims to change that.

The short opens teasing Tose as the "greatest sports team owner you've never heard of, or probably never heard of, unless you're from Philly like me and are as old as me," as told by Tollin.

He gets the men who probably knew Tose best and are very familiar faces to any Eagles fan to tell their side of Tose's story. Ron Jaworski, Dick Vermeil, Ray Didinger, and former Eagles GM Jim Murray.

They tell a tale of a wonderful professional owner who also happened to have one wild gambling problem. Tose makes it sound like Charles Barkley played at the $1 table at the Tropicana.

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