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Eagles Q&A: Will Shipley shares one of his favorite hobbies

Eagles rookie running back Will Shipley shares his love of cooking in the latest Eagles Q&A.

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Each week during the 2024 season, we’re going through the Eagles media guide to find an interesting nugget.

The Eagles’ PR interns do a great job filling out these little oddities in the media guide and they serve as a good way to meet the players behind the helmets.

This week, we chatted with rookie running back Will Shipley, who says one of his favorite hobbies is cooking.

Me: Tell me a little bit about it.

Shipley: Definitely. So it’s something that I’ve always kind of been into because, one, I love eating. And, two, my mom loves cooking. So it’s something that we’ve always shared doing together, whether it’s just eggs and sausage in the morning for breakfast or some Mexican for dinner, whatever the case is. Always just enjoying time with my mom and now that I’ve moved away, I’m making sure that I’m eating healthy and the body is staying right. It’s something that I’ve gotten into and enjoy doing when I get home from a long day of practice.

Me: So it was something that you bonded over?

Shipley: Oh yeah, 100%, 110%. It’s just how we spent a lot of our time together because I was always hungry and she was always cooking for me.

Me: Say your teammates are coming over and you’re going to cook something for them to impress them, what would it be?

Shipley: Yeah. There’s so many dishes. I’d probably just go with Mexican, nothing in particular. I’d say enchiladas, quesadillas, something with tortillas. And the guys like protein so a bunch of chicken, beef, shrimp, as much as I can do. Just get it all in there and give them a lot of opportunities.

Me: Do you have a favorite food?

Shipley: It switches every moth or so. Right now, it’s pita bread with some chicken. My fiancé and I made it last night. With a little buffalo cottage cheese and Greek yogurt. A little healthier sauce with high protein. We try to do things the healthy way. It’s been a fun way for me to get some new recipes and also eat stuff I like while also staying at the top of my profession and keeping my body right and stuff like that.

Me: Do you ever talk to the nutritionist here about tips to make it a little better and healthier?

Shipley: Oh yeah. I ask [Performance Nutrition Coordinator Stephanie Coppola] questions about food and really just how to take care of yourself all the time. It really just plays a role in that. I think it’s just my love for the two things — one being my body, two being eating and cooking food — kind of all coming together. Steph has helped me a ton with that. I have created a good relationship with her. I’m sure I bug here a bit with all the questions I do ask but it’s been awesome for me.

Me: Hopefully you have a long football career but do you think it’s something you might eventually want to do after football.

Shipley: You know, I think I would love to. That, a couple other things that I’d love to do as well. Like three or four day solo survival treks. I’ve gotten big on those the last couple months, watching those. So along with a bunch of other things. Maybe not being a chef in particular but just being able to cook really well for my sons, daughters, family. Like you said, anytime I got teammates coming over, I think that would be really cool to be able to step into a role like that for sure.

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