WATN: Allen Iverson Helps Mike Vick Celebrate His Freedom At Strip Club


Apparently former Falcons QB Mike Vick was released from federal custody on Monday and wanted to get a sweet, sweet taste of freedom. That, and the sweet, sweet smell of cheap perfume. Numerous Internet reports say that one of the first places he visited was a strip club in his native Virginia. Oh, and that Allen Iverson was with him.

A blog called "Young, Black, and Fabulous" posted this:

Said YBF reader spotted Mike at a popular Gentlemen’s club called
Atlantis in Virginia Beach last night. And he was partying it up with Allen Iverson
and his wife. Hmmm. One of the dancers also said that Allen didn’t
throw out a single dollar all night despite bragging about being a
“money making machine.”

Just another anecdote to add to the legendary folklore of Allen Iverson's social habits.

After reading that report, this Detroit News article comes as no real surprise. Via TrueHoop.

Everything hasn't been rosy for Allen Iverson, but it hasn't been all
thorny either. It's a Catch-22. Without his stubbornness, he never
would be the 16th-leading scorer in NBA history. More impressively,
he's averaged 41 minutes a game through his career, fourth most in NBA
history. No player similar in height and weight is in the top 20. he
same attributes that make him great, however, hold him back from
signing with a contender at this stage of his career. He's done things
his way and had success. Based on his rough background, his game and
life parallel each other, for better or worse. Consequently, he's been
judged, deservedly or not. 'I obviously feel like it's unfair, but it
just makes the chip on my shoulder that much bigger,' Iverson told NBA
TV in an interview Tuesday night. 'The whole thing with me is to be in
a situation where I can be happy,' Iverson said. 'Obviously the
objective is to win a championship, but I've been thinking about it --
my whole thing is to be happy and finish my career in a happy
' "

I, for one, support A.I.'s quest to find happiness.

>>Que’s New Hair+Mike Vick Hits The Strip Club [YBF]
>>Mike Vick Spent His First Night Out of Federal Custody Like Any Guy Would Have: At a Strip Club in Virginia Beach [The Big Lead]
>>Allen Iverson -- and his image -- struggle to find job [Detroit News]
>>First Cup: Thursday [TrueHoop]

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