Jimmy Rollins Shows Support for Barack Obama and Joe Biden


The World's Greatest Shortstop, Jimmy Rollins, hit the campaign trail late last night in South Philadelphia to throw his support behind Barack Obama and Joe Biden. As we all know, anybody on Jimmy's team this year is a winner. Video from the fine kids at Philebrity.com: (J-Roll comes in at around 2:45)

Philebrity News: Joe Biden, Jimmy Rollins & Ed Rendell In Philly from Philebrity on Vimeo.

The only way I think Jimmy could have maybe gotten a better reaction from the South Philly faithful was if he took a page out of Chase Utley's book and told everybody to vote for "Barack Fucking Obama!"

Philebrity also has a clip from yesterday's rally in North Philly that featured Jay-Z. This is a must watch for HOVA's line that starts "Rosa Parks sat so Martin Luther King could walk, Martin Luther King walked so Obama could run, Obama's running so we all can fly."

Philebrity News: Jay-Z Gets Out The Vote from Philebrity on Vimeo.

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