Barack Obama Would Rather Be Dr. J Than President, and He Shared in Our Super Bowl Misery

After the windfall that came from presidential hopeful Sen. Barack Obama's last appearance on 610 WIP's morning show, we were surprised to tune in and hear him talking hoops with Angelo & Co. this morning. Obama didn't say anything politically charged this time around, but he did talk about idolizing Dr. J when he was growing up. Audio and some Eagles stumping after the jump.

We'd go with Dr. J on that too. In the next clip, Obama talks some Eagles-Steelers.

In a swing state like PA, no politician wants to have to pick between Pittsburgh and Philly, but when pushed, it was good to hear that although Obama rooted for Franco Harris and the Steelers as a kid, he's changed his PA allegiance to the Eagles to support Illinois native Donovan McNabb.

We were also glad to hear him say it's a moot point because he's a Bears fan and can't really support another team. To thine own team be true. Well played, Senator.

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