Allen Iverson Gets Own Rap Song by Don Trip

One could probably say that aside from Michael Jordan, no basketball player has been more connected to the hip-hop genre in the last 25 years than Allen Iverson. So it's no surprise to see that an up-and-coming rapper from East Memphis, Tennessee wrote an entire song about the once beloved and currently struggling Philadelphia 76ers legend. [listen to the mp3 below]

We're not going to lie and act like we had heard of Don Trip prior to stumbling across his new track titled "Allen Iverson," but the Internet is a wealth of information, so we searched a little. The Source has an interview with him from back in December of 2010 in which he shares that the comparison he gets most frequently is to Lil Wayne, a Sixers watcher himself.

His A.I. track mixes in old school clips from Iverson's days as a Sixer, including the infamous "practice" rant alongside original lyrics that Trip seems to relate to.

As a barely casual rap fan, I'd say it's not actually that bad.

You can visit DonTripOnline to learn more about the man. Image via Rap Radar.

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