Gregg Popovich's top quotes on Brett Brown, Joel Embiid


SAN ANTONIO — Gregg Popovich is one of the most quotable coaches in all of professional sports. So when his former assistant coach Brett Brown comes to town, there’s no shortage of noteworthy comments on his longtime friend. Brown worked on the Spurs' coaching staff for 11 seasons before becoming head coach of the Sixers.
1. The best for the job
Brown came to the Sixers from a winning organization where it wasn’t a question of if but how far the Spurs would go in the playoffs.

From that world, Brown endured a 47-199 record in his first three seasons with the Sixers. 

“There’s nobody that can do the job that he’s doing considering the situation as it has been,” Popovich said. “His demeanor and ability to stay positive and just teach and get satisfaction out of watching young players absorb things is beyond my comprehension. He’s a consummate teacher and upbeat individual. You wouldn’t wish all that losing on anybody, but if it was anybody who could handle it, it’s Brett Brown just because of his character. And now with the winning, I couldn’t be more thrilled.”

2. From one big to another
Brown often references his experiences coaching future Hall of Famer Tim Duncan when talking about successful big men. He already has connected Duncan with Joel Embiid as a mentor-type figure. Brown also analyzes Duncan’s game film with Embiid, a student of the game. Popovich sees Brown’s personality and Embiid’s towering potential as another fit like he had with the Duncan.

“Obviously both of those guys are very talented,” Popovich said. “I don’t know Mr. Embiid like I know Mr. Duncan, so I don’t know what makes him tick or what he’s made of or what his character is like. But if that character, that hunger, that work ethic and that maturity exists, he and Brett will be a great match. Brett knows when to step back, when to add his voice, how to help a talented person improve who already is at a certain level. That’s what he did with Timmy.”

3. Always had it in him
Brown’s coaching abilities were questioned during the Sixers’ downward losing spiral. The team wasn’t built to be a contender by any stretch of the imagination, but as time went on critics began to speculate if Brown was right for the job, as challenging as it was. Now the Sixers are moving in a more successful direction, and Popovich urges people to realize Brown’s skills were there from the start.

“All of a sudden, people probably start to think, ‘Well maybe this guy can coach,’” Popovich said. “But he was already coaching. But it’s easier for people like me to coach Tim Duncan that makes you look pretty good. But at this level, you have to have a level of talent to match everybody else. When you don’t, you pay the price.”

4. Wouldn’t back down
Popovich didn’t hesitate replying “no” when asked if he was surprised by Brown’s persistence in sticking with the Sixers. Popovich looked back at how involved Brown was with the Spurs, an early sign he wouldn’t get discouraged by a building process.

“When we put this program together back in the '90s, he was here and paramount in helping me,” Popovich said. “We went back and forth on every single issue in a playbook, defensively and offensively. He know what works. He’s very comfortable, obviously, in his own skin. His opinions were always right on target and valued from Day 1. There was no way that (losing) was going to get him down.”

5. Sneaking a peek
Popovich’s world is the San Antonio Spurs. When it comes to Brown and the Sixers, though, he'll make an exception. 

"Oh sure, I cheat," Popovich said. "You’ve just got to root for somebody like that. I watch whenever I can."

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